No Files Found

Search and Replace was unable to locate any files using the parameters you specified. This does not necessarily mean an error occurred - it could be that there simply are no 'hits' using your search string, file mask, paths, filter, and advanced script settings.

If you are surprised to get no results, go to Output Options and turn on "Display Files Without Hits". This directs Search and Replace to list the files processed according to your file mask, path, and filter criteria. If no files are listed, then your criteria resulted in no files being selected for a search (see below). Conversely, if one or more files are listed as being processed and you are getting a "No Occurrences Found" message, then your search string simply isn't present in any of the files processed. If you expect some hits on your search string, double check your intentions regarding the Case Sensitive and Match Whole Word flags, Regular Expression syntax, and Binary Mode searching.

If no files at all are being processed, double check your File Mask, path, and filter settings. Double check your Search Options settings for Zip searching & the size of regular expression searches.